Welcome to this collection of stories and personal recollections. I hope you find something of interest. Cheers!
Grant Bailey
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Uno Bridge
CN Minnewashta Creek Viaduct, M.P. 185.7 Rivers Subdivision
In 1991, I was Track Engineer on the Saskatchewan South District. One of our projects thatsummer was to convert the UnoBridge from an open deck to ballast deck bridge. We were given a five day track closure, which in my career was an unprecedented work block for a core main route. We went to work immediately after #2 "The Canadian" passed on Sunday evening September 1st, worked around the clock for the next five days, and completedthe job in the early hours of September 7th.
On the Saturday morning, almost everyone had cleared out and I was also anxious to get home after a long week. But I wanted to catch a picture of the first train over the bridge so I patiently took my position on the side of the hill enjoying a wonderful prairie morning overlooking the AssiniboineRiverValley. As I waited for the train, I watched as the bridge’s shadow moved nicely into position for perfect timing with the arrival of the eastbound! I documented the entire job in photo's and attach a few more for enjoyment.
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